Loswa Kitenda

Loswa Kitenda


Born in Kinshasa in 1990, Loswa Kitenda’s life has been entwined with art from an early age. Drawing was more than just a hobby; it was his language, a form of self-expression that deeply resonated with him. His elder brother, Kudimbana, a painter whom he greatly admired, served as an early inspiration, highlighting the potential that art held.

Loswa’s artwork is more than a showcase of his creative spirit—it is an expression of his social consciousness. His paintings serve as a testament to his belief in art as a transformative force, with each brush stroke telling a story of societal evolution and growth. A central theme in his work is the empowerment of women. He does not just paint the modern woman, but those women who are willing and able to effect societal change. Through his art, he encourages women to contribute to the world, effect change, and uphold their cultural identities.

For Loswa, art is a calling—it is his medium for education, communication, and revolution. His mission is to inspire others, especially women and young people, to strive for better, to create, and to leave a lasting legacy. He views his art as his contribution to society and seeks to instill this passion in others.

The road to success hasn’t been without its hurdles. Being an artist in Congo requires more than just talent—it demands entrepreneurial spirit and managerial skills. The sacrifices Loswa has made for his craft, such as investing in paints over new clothing, are testament to his dedication. His advice to young artists is patience and a love for their craft. He urges them to respect their work and seek education, whether in academies or workshops, to continually develop their skills.

Looking to the future, Loswa dreams of establishing workshops to nurture young artists, reducing unemployment, and contributing to the betterment of his country. More than just an artist, Loswa Kitenda is a visionary—using his craft to inspire change and progress, one brush stroke at a time.


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